Welcome to Dialogue and Difference in Action.
Dialogue and Difference in Action (DDA) provides an opportunity for first-year students to engage in critical dialogues focused on identity, power, privilege and difference. Students will examine these concepts within the contexts of the Princeton University community, and in society at large. Through self-reflection and dialogue, students develop competencies and perspectives crucial to the creation of an inclusive campus climate.

"Coming into Princeton, I thought I'd feel isolated, but having my identities validated and finding a community through DDA has helped my transition into college."
- Past DDA Student Participant

2023 DDA Large Group Photo
"At DDA I learned to live life with empathy, speak with respect and compassion even when in disagreement, to constantly acknowledge the humanity of all people, never underestimate someone else’s struggle, be open to change and evolution within your opinions and within yourself."
- Past DDA Student Participant
2022 DDA Large Group Photo